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Maggie Wen graduated from Dickinson College (BA in Studio Art, Minors in East Asian Studies and Art History) in 2020, and Boston University (MS in Journalism) in 2023, works mainly with the combination of interview research-based text and photography. She draws a lot of her inspiration from intercultural research growing up in a multicultural background; with Chinese roots, she lived in Denmark during primary school, worked in New Zealand during a gap semester in college, and studied in the States. The works created by Maggie Wen explore and strive to understand the rules and beliefs that lead and navigate people around the world regardless of their cultural background. 

温馨毕业于美国狄金森学院' 20 (主修工作室艺术,辅修东亚研究以及艺术史),波士顿大学新闻' 23。主要以采访和社会研究为基础,通过摄影作品和文字叙述展现作品。作为中国人,她有着多元文化成长背景,小学的时候在丹麦生活,大学期间取得新西兰工作旅游签证在新西兰工作生活一学期,同时在美国完成大学学业。温馨创作的作品试图探索理解世界各地人们的规则以及信仰。


Group Exhibitions 群展: 

Senior Thesis Exhibition at Dickinson College, Carlisle PA, 2020 May 

Independent & Image Art Space, Chongqing China, 2021 March

MP Birla Millennium Art Gallery, London England, 2022 May

Utopia NYC Exhibition,  22 Allen.St NY, 2023 October

PH21 Photography Gallery, Budapest Hungary, 2023 November

2020  狄金森学院毕业展,美国滨州

2021  独立映像艺术空间,中国重庆

2022 MP Birla Millennium 画廊,英国伦敦

2023 Utopia 纽约展览, 美国纽约

2023 PH21 摄影画廊,匈牙利布达佩斯

Residency 驻地: 

L’appartamento, Naples Italy, 2023 August 

2023 L’appartamento意大利那不勒斯

Contact 联系方式: 

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